Friday 26 July 2013

Flower Power

So here's my second blog but I suppose my first real insight into volunteering with Upstart on the Granby park project. 

The wheels on my Upstart journey really started turning, when I met with my group for the first time last week.
Karla, upstarts community engagement project manager invited myself and a few other willing volunteers to our first meeting which basically gave us the low down on who is now involved and what exciting projects are bubbling away behind the scenes.
The group was a lovely mix of 20-40 year olds from all over the shop (Brazil, Canada, Waterford!)

As a group, Karla asked us to discuss things like…
Who is the Community?
What the positives and negatives of engaging with the community?
 This really helped streamline our ideas and opened up lots of side conversations of possibilities within the space. 
Most importantly in my opinion, it helped us understand, who specifically can benefit from Granby Park? 
The list was actually endless but of course the local residents have to be the first community to consider because this is happening on their turf!

The meeting really got us thinking outside the box and we even went as far to say that Granby Park could be beneficial to not only the local community but to wider community in Dublin, Ireland, the world! 
The positivity was bursting in this Room; we all nearly exploded at one point! 

It wasn't all rose tinted glasses though, we did highlight negatives like anti social behavior, exclusivity etc. etc.
We agreed that, social and community engagement over the next few weeks before the park opens is vital for illuminating these potential negative factors.

After the first meeting I was buzzing with ideas for events and workshops in the Park - My 'Thinking cap' was firmly on and ready to Rock N Roll! 
If your creative and have an is the last day for Submissions - 6pm
More info here. 

So this week, we have all been assigned tasks.  I have spent a couple of hours each day going through my little black book.. I.e. Facebook, twitter, and my emails to see what artist/groups I could approach. 
For the record I wish I had an actual little black book of ultimate contacts! 
Perhaps after this I will! 

Anyway I digress...
Slowly but surely the word is getting out, people are appearing from far and wide to get more involved, The Fundit campaign  has reached over the halfway mark with only 3 days to reach their 20k target and the finally The Irish times voted Upstart as 60 as the most creative people in Ireland right now. Which I at this stage, already knew but made me smile all the same and be grateful I had the sense to get involved when I did.

The real icing on the cake this week was giving plants to locals to foster for a month before the park opens. Local residents will nurture, (No Pressure!!) gorgeous plants for a month and then plant with us on the opening of the Park.   Check out some pics from last night


So its been a great week all round. Thanks for reading and I’ll be sure to update ya'll again next week. 

Peace and love. 


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